Sales Coaching for the Next Generation

The next generation are often smart, technologically savvy individuals. who traditional managers can find

  • infuriatingly stubborn
  • opinionated 
  • unmotivated

However the next generation of ‘Sales” individuals we have been found to be amazing partnership builders and problem solvers. 

They key difference is they are personally intrinsically motivated and not extrinsically motivated like the traditional generation.

5 Reasons You have Got the Next Generation all Wrong

Traditional Sales

  • Extrinsically motivated are driven by external factors, such as rewards, recognition, or punishment. They engage in a particular activity or behavior because they believe it will lead to a desirable outcome or avoid an undesirable one.
  • Sprinters: People who are reward motivated may lose interest or motivation once the external rewards or pressures are removed
  • Perception over quality: extrinsically motivated tend to focus on the external outcomes of their behavior, such as grades, salary, or recognition. They may prioritize achieving these outcomes over the quality or process of the activity itself.
  • Reactionary:  the extrinsically motivated are reacting to those in control whether for rewards or punishment. 
  • Extrinsic Rewards:  the rewards are money, recognition, medals and plaques. 

Next Generation Solution Builders

  • Intrinsically motivated are driven by internal factors, such as personal interest, enjoyment, or a sense of purpose. They engage in a particular activity or behavior because they find it inherently satisfying or meaningful.
  • Distance runners:  internally motivated tend to be more persistent and resilient in the face of obstacles or setbacks, as they are motivated by an inherent enjoyment of the activity itself.
  • Holistic Solutions Intrinsically motivated tend to focus on the quality and process of the activity itself, rather than the external outcomes. They seek solutions that deliver maximum value and are aligned to the big picture. 
  • Ownership: intrinsically motivated have a greater sense of control and ownership over their behavior, as they engage in the activity because they want to, not because they are forced to.
  • Intrinsic Rewards: The Intrinsically motivated have mastery goals, such as improving their skills, knowledge, or creativity. They are more focused on personal growth and development, rather than external validation or status.

From Sales Manager to Sales Coach

Trying to fit the smart self-motivated generation into the straight jacket sales approach of the past is waste of talent and energy. Rather we teach the leaders to be sales coaches and unleash that potential with:


Focus: A sales manager is primarily focused on sales targets and motivating or punishing the sales team to achieve those targets. A sales coach is focused on developing the skills and capabilities of individual sales people. We have seen upskilled teams far outperform targets without any focus on the targets themselves. 



Approach: Sales managers tend to be more directive, telling salespeople what to do and how to do it. Sales coaches, collaborate with salespeople to brainstorm the approach, learn for setbacks, plan for the constant improvements and develop solutions together.


Timeframe: Sales managers are focused on short-term results, these statistics are often gamified to meet targets and are often meaningless. Sales coaches  develop tangible skills and capabilities that will create meaningful sales relationships and long term sustainable results. 


Training: Sales managers training covers the  product knowledge and sales techniques/tricks.  Sales coaches focus the company vision, the  solutions we are building, and developing individual excellence in communication, collaboration, listening  and problem-solving.


Accountability: Sales managers  holding the sales team accountable for meeting sales targets, while sales coaches take responsiblity for the teams skill growth The individual salespeople take ownership of their own performance and growth. Sales coaches often use individual goals  and feedback to help salespeople track their progress and stay on track.

The key is not the will to win. Everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.

Our Courses

Sales Coaching

Traditional sales managers learn how to become more effective coaches so that they can boost the performance of their team.

In this program, your team leaders will learn 

  • Managing vs. coaching
  • Develop your team with a proven coaching process
  • Develop your own and your teams communication skills 
  • Empower the team to achieve audacious goals 
  • Develop feedback and constant improvement 

Sales Performance - Achieving Personal Bests

Sales managers learn how to build a higher-performing team with a system that manages key behaviors that drive sales results.

Beyond box ticketing and pointless statistics 
  • Implement a behavior-based performance system
  • Agree performance expectations
  • Listen and resolve any performance gaps
  • Proactive coaching and less reactive criticism 
  • Set management priorities that employees will own

Get Honest with your Sales Pipeline

Learn how to make more accurate sales forecasts,  communicate effectively to advance opportunities, and unclog their sales pipeline.

In this program, your sales managers will learn:

  • Better communication to work with prospects and partners to create an honest roadmap 
  • Create objective pipeline stage criteria
  • Conduct effective pipeline reviews
  • Improve your sales forecasts

Sales and Oppertunities Leadership

Learn the critical skills of developing and communicating a vision that motivates the next generation of sales

In this program, your sales managers will learn:

  • learn to listen and evaluates your resources and opportunities
  • learn the elements of compelling vision 
  • communicate that vision that is clear and compelling 
  • develop deliverable plans around that vision 
  • gather new opportunities that enhance and contribute to the vision 

Interactive Training You will Retain and Use

Our first goal is to understand your needs and goals, then our courses are tailored to your individual business needs. The content is from our extensive business experience where we provide:

  • Personalized Learning: Tailored interactive learning allows learners to receive instruction that is specifically designed to meet their individual needs, interests, and learning styles. This makes the learning experience more engaging and effective, as learners are more likely to retain information that is presented in a way that resonates with them.
  • Increased Engagement: Interactive learning experiences, such as games, feedback and fun role play, can make learning more engaging and enjoyable. This can increase learners’ motivation and interest in the subject matter, leading to better learning outcomes.
  • Improved Retention:  the learners’ ability to retain information by presenting it in a way that is relevant and meaningful to them. Interactive elements. Many of the ideas will be generated by the team and they will feel a sense of control and ownership
  • Flexibility: Tailored interactive learning can be delivered online or in-person, allowing learners to access materials from anywhere at any time. This makes it easier for learners to fit learning into their busy schedules, and also provides flexibility for instructors to create learning experiences that are accessible and engaging.


Flexible Delivery Formats

Online Instructor-Led Training

Our live online workshops feature highly engaging facilitators, limited class sizes, and many interactions, such as video, chats, polls, exercises, breakout room activities, role plays, and group discussions. 

In-Person Training

Classroom-based learning focuses on learning-by-doing through engaging role plays, discussion, exercises, and group interactions. 


Digital Blended Learning

Live and recorded interactive content to deliver custom + blended + refresher content when ever you need it

Our old sales and sales training were just not working. It was obvious our new hires were just switching off. The training freed us to share our genuine experience and the response we received from employees was tremendous. Now we spend a fraction of time in the traditional 'management' and the majority of the time providing real solutions for which our company has had to double.
John Doe

Meet the Course Creator

Richard Donovan is a CEO and consultant who has led both technical and agile transformations in many industries from Banking, Fintech, Logistics, Media and Telecoms. 

Having worked with leading enterprises in his field Richard found that technology is often the smallest challenge and the team(s) and executive alignment and by far the hardest and most important challenges. 

After decades of research goThink has evolved a visual and interactive workshop to discover the collative purpose, teach and ensure the adoption of the practices.

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